Smart search engines for news videos

Searching for video recordings regularly pushes search engines to their limit. The truth of the matter is that purely automatic algorithms are not enough; user knowledge has to be harnessed, too. Now, researchers are making ...

Study: DVRs now in half of US pay-TV homes

A new survey finds that digital video recorders are now in more than half of all U.S. homes that subscribe to cable or satellite TV services.

BBC pulls plug on world's oldest teletext service

BBC Ceefax, the world's first teletext service, ceased transmission on Tuesday after delivering 38 years of up-to-the-minute news and sports updates to the British public.

Latest in TVs: Much higher definition, and prices

Get ready for a whole new case of TV envy. In stores later this year will be new big-screens, known as 4K TVs, that up the ante on HDTV with four times the resolution of sets now.

Czechs launch first auction of 4G mobile frequencies

The Czech telecommunications watchdog CTU has launched its first auction of fourth generation mobile telephony frequencies, with a fourth mobile operator likely to enter the market, its website said on Friday.

Apple chief vows innovation in TV and more

Apple chief Tim Cook on Tuesday vowed that creativity would remain in the company's "DNA" and hinted that products on the horizon could come in the area of television.

New ad zapper has TV networks worried about sales

(AP) -- The maker of a new DVR that lets consumers zap away broadcast TV commercials at the touch of a button suggested Tuesday that the networks are being short-sighted in opposing the technology.

ABC tries social network experiment with 'Revenge'

(AP) -- ABC and Yahoo will experiment on the season's last two episodes of "Revenge" with a smartphone and tablet application designed to encourage more people to watch television live.

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