Newsweek company renames as 'NewsBeast'

The operator of the erstwhile news magazine Newsweek, which became a solely digital publication last year after 80 years in print, officially became "NewsBeast" on Friday, its parent company said.

New NIST document offers guidance in cryptographic key generation

(—Protecting sensitive electronic information in different situations requires different types of cryptographic algorithms, but ultimately they all depend on keys, the cryptographic equivalent of a password. A ...

Harry Potter goes digital with e-books

Harry Potter creator JK Rowling on Thursday took her lucrative boy wizard into the digital age, revealing that his adventures will now be sold as e-books through a website that contains new material.

New study finds elite viewpoints dominate online content

( -- Anyone with Internet access can generate online content and influence public opinion, according to popular belief. But a new study from the University of California, Berkeley, suggests that the social Web ...

Who should solve the digital divide?

The idea of a "digital divide" -- describing those who can or cannot get on the Internet -- has been around since the 1990s. Although, it used to refer mostly to access, now it often also means the quality and speed of Internet ...

High-tech solutions ease inaugural challenges

Transportation and security officials on Inauguration Day will have a centralized, consolidated stream of traffic information and other data displayed on a single screen using software developed by the University of Maryland. ...

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