Britain seeks to restrict access to online porn

Pornographic websites could be forced to check their users are over 18 under new measures debated by British lawmakers Monday that are designed to protect children but have raised concerns over privacy and censorship.

Senate blocks access to online data without warrant (Update)

The Senate on Wednesday blocked an expansion of the government's power to investigate suspected terrorists, a victory for civil libertarians and privacy advocates emboldened after a National Security Agency contractor's revelations ...

Lynch: 'Open dialogue' needed between law enforcement, tech

Law enforcement and technology companies at odds over encryption and other issues of digital privacy need to have an "open dialogue" to try to resolve their differences, Attorney General Loretta Lynch is asserting.

US fight over gunman's locked iPhone could have big impact

A U.S. magistrate's order for Apple Inc. to help the FBI hack into an iPhone used by the gunman in the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, sets up an extraordinary legal fight with implications for ordinary consumers ...

UN moves to strengthen digital privacy (Update)

The United Nations on Tuesday adopted a resolution on protecting digital privacy that for the first time urged governments to offer redress to citizens targeted by mass surveillance.

The right to privacy in a big data world

In the digital age in which we live, monitoring, security breaches and hacks of sensitive data are all too common. It has been argued that privacy has no place in this big data environment and anything we put online can, ...

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