Digital media may be changing how you think

Tablet and laptop users beware. Using digital platforms such as tablets and laptops for reading may make you more inclined to focus on concrete details rather than interpreting information more abstractly, according to a ...

Teaming up with robots

Critical situations are occurring with greater frequency at industrial workplaces – situations that could lead to serious job-related accidents. With the "4Save" toolbox from Fraunhofer, these dangers do not arise at all. ...

New York Times offers 30 newsroom buyouts

The New York Times said Monday it was offering buyouts to 30 newsroom managers and other journalists as part of an ongoing cost-cutting drive in a difficult environment for the newspaper industry.

Android smartphone shipments boom, industry tracker says

Android software powered three out of four smartphones shipped worldwide in the recently ended third quarter as the Google-backed mobile platform dominated the market, industry tracker IDC said Thursday.

Digital news offering aims at high ground

It seems like a terrible time to be launching a news operation. But there are opportunities and niches, and the new digital media launch called Quartz from Atlantic Media Company seeks to exploit them.

Sony to release tablet computer this month

Sony's first tablet computer will hit the Japanese market on September 17 as the company looks to take on Apple's popular iPad, the electronics giant said Thursday.

China's growth, and weakness, on show at IT fair

More Chinese companies than ever took part in Asia's largest IT fair, which ended this weekend in Taipei, but their growing numbers could not disguise their lingering weaknesses, observers said.

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