Smartphones crushing point-and-shoot camera market

The soaring popularity of smartphones is crushing demand for point-and-shoot cameras, threatening the once-vibrant sector as firms scramble to hit back with web-friendly features and boost quality, analysts say.

3-D printers make replicas of cuneiform tablets

Today's Assyriology scholars study Sumerian and Babylonian cuneiform tablets with the help of digital photographs or handwritten copies of the texts, but ideally, they visit collections to see the tablets firsthand.

Physicist makes new high-res panorama of Milky Way

Cobbling together 3000 individual photographs, a physicist has made a new high-resolution panoramic image of the full night sky, with the Milky Way galaxy as its centerpiece. Axel Mellinger, a professor at Central Michigan ...

An ultrasensitive molybdenum-based image sensor

A new material has the potential to improve the sensitivity of photographic image sensors by a factor of five. In 2011, an EPFL team led by Andras Kis discovered the amazing semi-conducting properties of molybdenite (MoS2), ...

How quantum physics democratised music

Surprising connections between very different areas of physics and unexpected spin-offs from theory were explored by quantum physicist Prof. Sir Michael Berry in a lecture entitled "How quantum physics democratised music" ...

Landsat 7 satellite shows tsunami effects in Sendai, Japan

Before and after images from the Landsat 7 satellite show the after effects of the tsunami that followed the 9.0 earthquake off of Japan's east coast last weekend. A side-by-side comparison reveals inland areas inundated ...

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