Motion sensor: Increase your activity for a healthier lifestyle

People are increasingly leading a sedentary lifestyle that may lead to weight gain issues; efforts are being made across Europe to encourage people to become more active and as a result, healthier. Researchers at the Fraunhofer ...

Keep moving and have fun

Physical activity is extremely important– this applies equally to both young and old. People who exercise regularly are healthier, are rarely overweight and increase their power of concentration. Staying physically and ...

Study asks 'Are foreign correspondents redundant?'

Economic pressures and digital technology are undermining the role of the foreign correspondent, according to a new Oxford University study. Among its recommendations, it says news organizations need to ‘rethink their ...

Digital media technology changes nature of war

Dr. Sebastian Kaempf, from UQ's School of Political Science and International Studies, says he believes that digital new media technology has altered the nature of war.

Video fingerprinting offers search solution

( -- The explosive growth of video on the internet calls for new ways of sorting and searching audiovisual content. A team of European researchers has developed a groundbreaking solution that is finding commercial ...

'Immersive Dome' -- don't just watch, join the action

The "Immersive Dome" puts viewers at the heart of the action and lets them actively participate. Instead of the conventional surround sound, a three-dimensional aural experience awaits visitors. At IBC, the trade show for ...

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