Automatic building mapping could help emergency responders

MIT researchers have built a wearable sensor system that automatically creates a digital map of the environment through which the wearer is moving. The prototype system, described in a paper slated for the Intelligent Robots ...

Australia's Barrier Reef to get Google treatment

Australian scientists mapping the Great Barrier Reef will broadcast their findings in partnership with Google, emulating its "Street View" to spotlight the impact of climate change.

Your smartphone knows everything about you, and it tells tales

In the sexy but increasingly scary world of smartphone forensics, insiders have a name for all the personal information purposely or unknowingly stored inside that iPhone or Android or Blackberry in your pocket. They call ...

Tips for if you get lost on your next outdoor hike

There are busy times ahead for the Norwegian rescue services, as for many other rescue services across the Northern Hemisphere. The summer holidays can often involve up to dozens of calls each day from members of the public ...

Improving precision of planning results in resilient forests

A new dissertation on forest industrial production systems, from researcher Per Nordin at Linnaeus University, reveals that successful regeneration measures are crucial for sustainable forestry. To ensure successful plant ...

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