Virtually reality: Future factories run by digital twins

A*STAR has built a testbed for digital twins, the virtual counterparts of real manufacturing equipment. These factory innovations could help companies save huge amounts of time and money by predicting and adjusting for their ...

Is America's digital leadership on the wane?

American leadership in technology innovation and economic competitiveness is at risk if U.S. policymakers don't take crucial steps to protect the country's digital future. The country that gave the world the internet and ...

Report: Seven countries benefit most from technology innovation

The United States, Singapore, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and Israel are getting the biggest bang for their buck in economic and digital innovation, according to a survey released Wednesday by the organizers ...

Companies eye partnership deals to counter low growth

With global economic growth slowing, inflation staying low and digital innovation generating uncertainty, companies are increasingly looking at partnership deals with other firms, even competitors, to boost revenues, consulting ...

Time spin-off highlights risks facing magazines

From Sports Illustrated to People to its namesake magazine, Time Inc. was always an innovator. But now when the troubled magazine industry is facing its greatest challenge, the company Henry Luce founded is struggling to ...

News Corp shows, tell details of education tablet

News Corp. took the wraps off its new tablet computer for the school market Wednesday, saying the device would use "digital innovation to transform teaching and learning."

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