Author documents ancient graffiti of North Korea

The elites of premodern Korea carved their names into rocks in the sacred mountains of Kŭmgangsan for much the same reason that today's graffiti taggers wield cans of spray paint: reputation and control.

How we see better by 'looking away'

When we fixate an object, its image does not appear at the place where photoreceptors are packed most densely. Instead, its position is shifted slightly nasally and upwards from the cellular peak. This is shown in a recent ...

Pandemic emphasizes need for digital literacy education

Parents would never give their children the keys to the car without supervised training and driver's education. An Iowa State University researcher says parents and educators need to take a similar approach before handing ...

Using digital twins to design more sustainable cities

For Dr. Fabian Dembski, who works at the intersection of architecture, city planning, and computational science, cities are more than just the places we live. They function like living organisms, growing and changing over ...

Team demos breakthrough in analog image processing

A research team of Vanderbilt engineers that includes a scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has demonstrated a new ultrathin filter, based on metamaterials, that allows for analog optical image processing. Their work, ...

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