ElcomSoft undoes Apple's location security fix

(PhysOrg.com) -- ElcomSoft, a Russian computer forensics company that first came to the attention of the public in 2002 when it was sued and cleared of violations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act for its eBook copyright ...

Can we trust digital forensic evidence?

Research carried out at the University of York has suggested that more work is needed to show that digital forensic methods are robust enough to stand-up to interrogation in a court of law.

Is fog more secure than cloud?

Computer scientists in Italy are working on a new concept for remote and distributed storage of documents that could have all the benefits of cloud computing but without the security issues of putting one's sensitive documents ...

Closing a malware security loophole

An add-on for antivirus software that can scan across a computer network and trap malicious activity missed by the system firewall is being developed by an international team. Details are reported in the International Journal ...

Spotting the elephant not in the room

An automated thermal detection system that can discern wild elephants from background and other animals in infrared images could save lives in parts of the world where the animals roam free and often enter villages and other ...

The challenges of digital forensics

Forensics is changing in the digital age, and the legal system is still catching up when it comes to properly employing digital evidence.

Whose Tattoo Is It Anyway?

(PhysOrg.com) -- An infra-red digital camera could be a crucial tool in the fight against crime when trying to identify suspects by their tattoos, according to new University of Derby research.

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