Disadvantaged left behind in digital age

In a world where access to services is just a click away for many people, the well-off will prosper while the disadvantaged struggle to keep up as the digital divide widens and deepens.

How social media help save an endangered language

There was a time when everyone living in Michigan grew up speaking the native language of the area's indigenous people. Now less than 10 people born in the state are fluent, yet more than 2,700 people "like" the language ...

Digital divide widens, research finds

(PhysOrg.com) -- The "digital divide" -- the gap in Internet access and usage due to socioeconomic factors -- is increasing, according to research published in the Communications of the Association for Information Systems.

Mind reading machines on their way: IBM

Century-old technology colossus IBM depicted a near future in which machines read minds and recognize who they are dealing with.

Mobile phone data traffic 'to grow 10-fold by 2016'

As smart phones increasingly take over, mobile data traffic is surging, a study by Swedish telecom equipment maker Ericsson showed on Monday, saying such traffic is set to increase 10-fold over the next five years.

Who should solve the digital divide?

The idea of a "digital divide" -- describing those who can or cannot get on the Internet -- has been around since the 1990s. Although, it used to refer mostly to access, now it often also means the quality and speed of Internet ...

The international digital divide

The developed nations must invest in information and communications technologies (ICT) in the developing world not only the close the so-called digital divide but to encourage sustainable economic development and to create ...

For minorities, new 'digital divide' seen

(AP) -- When the personal computer revolution began decades ago, Latinos and blacks were much less likely to use one of the marvelous new machines. Then, when the Internet began to change life as we know it, these groups ...

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