Gadget Watch: Pen makes old monitors touch-ready

Many people who have tried Microsoft's new Windows 8 operating system without a touch screen have hated it because of the inability to use touch and swipe commands to get things going. Now, a company has made a digital pen ...

Quantum materials quest could benefit from graphene that buckles

Graphene, an extremely thin two-dimensional layer of the graphite used in pencils, buckles when cooled while attached to a flat surface, resulting in beautiful pucker patterns that could benefit the search for novel quantum ...

Driving an electron spin vortex "Skyrmion" with a microcurrent

RIKEN and the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) have succeeded in forming a skyrmion crystal in which electron spin is aligned in a vortex shape in a microdevice using the helimagnet FeGe. The skyrmion crystal ...

Magnetic vortex reveals key to spintronic speed limit

(—The evolution of digital electronics is a story of miniaturization - each generation of circuitry requires less space and energy to perform the same tasks. But even as high-speed processors move into handheld ...

The future of airport passport control

Digital security specialists, major European electronics makers, and experts in biometrics worked together to make passport control at airports faster. The technology also could have broader applications on the way our identity ...

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