FSSCat/Ф-sat-1 ready for launch

The first artificial intelligence to be carried onboard a European Earth observation mission will be launched this week from Europe's spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. The pioneering artificial intelligence technology named ...

Digital work design will benefit future workforce

New Curtin University-led research has found that the introduction of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, robots and automation into the workforce could potentially benefit employees, rather than replace them, ...

Big data at the nanoscale

An international team of scientists, including physicists from the University of Luxembourg, have reported a comprehensive view-point on how machine learning approaches can be used in Nanoscience to analyze and extract new ...

The mind distracted: technology's battle for our attention

Between distractions, diversions and the flickering allure of a random suggestion, the major computer platforms aim to keep us glued to our screens come what may. Now some think it is time to escape the tyranny of the digital ...

3D design putting golfers above par

Master of Design Innovation student James Irvine has developed a design process that takes data from a player's swing and deciphers where their sweet spot is—the area of the club the player hits the ball with most.

Students' designs give prosthetics a new look

A project by Kansas State University interior architecture & product design students is giving individuals with prosthetic limbs a chance to add some personality to their prosthetic and show the students that their discipline ...

Augmented reality lifts awareness of nature preservation

Imagine strolling along a wildlife refuge trail and finding a marker with a symbol of a bison. Pull out your smartphone or iPad and hold it up to the picture. Now look at the screen and see a 3-D bison roam across the landscape.

Democratising design

A new simulator could help the elderly or disabled users engage more effectively with electronic devices, including websites, smartphones and digital television.

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