'The Daily' doomed by dull content and isolation

It was too expensive. It lacked editorial focus. And for a digital publication, it was strangely cut off from the Internet. That's the obituary being written in real time through posts, tweets and online chats about The Daily, ...

Newspapers erect pay walls in hunt for new revenue

(AP) -- Newspapers are returning to a business strategy that served them well in the heyday of street-corner newsboys shouting the front-page news. They're enticing people with a little free online content before asking ...

Apple, Dell join bid to buy Toshiba's chip business: US fund

US tech titans Apple and Dell have joined a bid to buy Toshiba's memory chip business, a deal seen as key to the survival of the cash-stripped Japanese industrial conglomerate, the US investor leading the consortium has said.

Digital news offering aims at high ground

It seems like a terrible time to be launching a news operation. But there are opportunities and niches, and the new digital media launch called Quartz from Atlantic Media Company seeks to exploit them.

Music streaming to music subscriber

The music business has changed dramatically in the last couple of decades since the massive expansion of the internet, the development of music file compression algorithms, and the concept of anonymous file-sharing services. ...

USA Today rewrites strategy to cope with Internet

(AP) -- USA Today, a newspaper created nearly 30 years ago to appeal to people who grew up watching television, is revising its formula to try to counter the Internet's threat to its survival.

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