Regulator to join Comcast after OK of NBC deal

(AP) -- A top telecommunications regulator who voted to approve Comcast Corp.'s takeover of NBCUniversal in January is leaving to join the company as a lobbyist.

Smart search engines for news videos

Searching for video recordings regularly pushes search engines to their limit. The truth of the matter is that purely automatic algorithms are not enough; user knowledge has to be harnessed, too. Now, researchers are making ...

Digital TV is worth converter hassle

Converter boxes. Coupon shortages. Congressional squabbling. Mass confusion. Such hassles raise a fundamental question about the digital TV transition: What will consumers get in return? Quite a lot, actually.

Multimedia search without detours

Finding a particular song or video is often no easy matter. Manually assigned metadata may be incorrect, and the unpacking of compressed data can slow up the search. DIVAS, a multimedia search engine, uses digital fingerprints ...

Dish launches DVR that extends to other rooms

(AP) -- Satellite broadcaster Dish Network Corp. on Monday said it's launching a high-powered set-top box that can act as the central TV recorder for the whole home.

Maths to turn people's media into national news

Technology will put the power to make news into the hands of ordinary people and revolutionise the way the vast reservoir of the public's digital content is handled thanks to new research, funded by the Engineering and Physical ...

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