Japan's crypto exchange Coincheck sued after hack

Cryptocurrency traders filed a lawsuit Thursday against Japanese exchange firm Coincheck for freezing withdrawals after hackers stole hundreds of millions of dollars in digital assets.

What does a physicist see when looking at the NFT market?

The market for collectible digital assets, or non-fungible tokens, is an interesting example of a physical system with a large scale of complexity, non-trivial dynamics, and an original logic of financial transactions. At ...

In death, Facebook photos could fade away forever

(AP)—A grieving Oregon mother who battled Facebook for full access to her deceased son's account has been pushing for years for something that would prevent others from losing photos, messages and other memories—as she ...

A quest to digitize 1 million plant specimens

The Australian National Herbarium in Canberra is imaging nearly a million plant specimens using an automated system developed by Netherlands company Picturae.

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