The use of online banking by people over 60

Experts from the Economics and Business Institute at the University of Seville have just published a study of the use of online banking by the over-60s, which shows that the digital divide of these users, far from being linked ...

Supreme Court frets over erosion of privacy in digital age

Worried about the erosion of privacy amid technological advances, the Supreme Court signaled Wednesday it might restrain the government's ability to track Americans' movements through collection of their cellphone information.

Dutch design lab blends naturalistic and futuristic

The first U.S. museum exhibit devoted solely to the experimental and futuristic work of Dutch design studio Joris Laarman Lab is now on view at the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum here.

How robots can help us embrace a more human view of disability

When dealing with the otherness of disability, the Victorians in their shame built huge out-of-sight asylums, and their legacy of "them" and "us" continues to this day. Two hundred years later, technologies offer us an alternative ...

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