WOWD, the real-time search engine

( -- The beta version of WOWD, the Internet's newest search engine, was launched last week at the 2009 Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco. It aims to differentiate itself from other search engines such as Google ...

Top tech firms back open Internet in FCC letter

Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Google, Twitter and other leading Web and technology companies expressed support Monday for Federal Communications Commission (FCC) efforts to ensure an open Internet. ditched to focus on Digg applications for helping Twitter users stay in tune with happenings being tracked by friends faded into history on Thursday as their owner shifted resources to reviving social news site Digg.

Google invests in social with Kevin Rose hire

Google confirmed Friday that it has hired Digg co-founder Kevin Rose and other members of the team at his latest project, a Milk incubator for startups making "apps" for mobile gadgets.

Once hot Digg slashes staff by over one-third

Digg, the news-sharing site once one of the hottest destinations on the Web, announced Monday it was cutting over one-third of its staff in a bid to try to be profitable next year.

Digg founder launches tech newsletter

The founder of popular social news website Digg on Monday launched an email newsletter promising video interviews, product reviews, "rants" and early peeks at new Internet offerings.

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Digg is a social news website. Prior to Digg v4, its cornerstone function consisted of letting people vote stories up or down, called digging and burying, respectively. Digg's popularity prompted the creation of copycat social networking sites with story submission and voting systems. The website traffic ranked 143rd, behind its long-time competitor Reddit, by as of June 11, 2011. Quantcast estimates Digg's monthly U.S. unique visits at 7.2 million.

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