Lizards can stomach island living

Life on an island isn't always easy. To make the most of the little there is to eat on many Greek islands, the digestive system of Balkan green lizards has evolved considerably compared to family members on the mainland. ...

Study investigates aquatic parasites on fish

Researchers in the Czech Republic, Spain and the United Kingdom have successfully identified the cellular components and mechanisms that play a role in the proliferation of myxozoa, tiny aquatic parasites responsible for ...

Licorice root found to contain anti-diabetic substance

It provides the raw material for liquorice candy, calms the stomach and alleviates diseases of the airways: liquorice root. Chosen as the "Medicinal plant 2012", the root has been treasured in traditional healing since ancient ...

Cleaning up masterpieces with ... bacteria?

( -- For most people the word bacteria will conjure up either images of nasty microorganisms that we fight against daily by cleaning the spaces around us, or the type of 'good' bacteria doctors advise us to consume ...

Insect gene expression responds to diet

Cabbage looper caterpillars (Trichoplusia ni) are able to alter the expression of genes associated with metabolism, homeostasis and immunity in response to feeding on plants carrying bacteria. Research published in BioMed ...

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