Mars soil sample delivered for analysis inside rover

(—NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has ingested its first solid sample into an analytical instrument inside the rover, a capability at the core of the two-year mission.

Physicists create world's smallest semiconductor laser

Physicists at The University of Texas at Austin, in collaboration with colleagues in Taiwan and China, have developed the world's smallest semiconductor laser, a breakthrough for emerging photonic technology with applications ...

3-D, after-the-fact focus image sensors invented

( -- At the heart of digital photography is a chip called an image sensor that captures a map of the intensity of the light as it comes through the lens and converts it to an electronic signal.

Coke cans focus sound waves beyond the diffraction limit

( -- When trying to focus sound waves into as small an area as possible, scientists run into a fundamental limit called the diffraction limit. That is, when sound waves are focused into a region smaller than one ...

Watching electrons move in real time

At its most basic level, understanding chemistry means understanding what electrons are doing. Research published in the Journal of Chemical Physics not only maps the movement of electrons in real time but also observes a ...

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