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Cranberries may reduce gut health problems for meat eaters

Cranberries are called a superfood for a reason. Reportedly packed with fibre and more antioxidants than any other fruits and berries, cranberries are lauded for their many health benefits. They are said to boost your immune ...

Crocs and fish key to human evolution

( -- A team of scientists now know what may have helped fuel the evolution of the human brain two million years ago. Archeologists working in Kenya unearthed evidence that our human ancestors ate a wide variety ...

A fecal diet keeps bumblebees healthy

( -- New research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science shows that a diet of bumble feces at the start of a bumblebee’s adult life is essential for the protection against parasites.

Diet at the docks: Living and dying at the port of ancient Rome

Portus Romae was established in the middle of the first century AD and for well over 400 years was Rome's gateway to the Mediterranean. The port played a key role in funnelling imports—e.g. foodstuffs, wild animals, marble ...

Analyzing the fat of killer whales reveals what they eat

Scientists are studying the diets of the ocean's top predators as they change in response to their environments. This is because how much and what they eat can affect how ecosystems function.

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