Generators that relieve power grid worsen ozone pollution

Cornell engineers have found that firing up diesel backup generators in non-emergency situations triggers rising atmospheric ozone concentrations due to additional nitrogen oxide emissions. They reported their findings Jan ...

Best-ever efficiency points to clean, green gas-diesel engine

( —The one-cylinder test engine in the basement of a University of Wisconsin-Madison lab is connected to a life-support system of pipes, tubes, ducts and cables. You might think that the engine resembles a patient ...

Japanese car giants team up on green engines

Japan's eight carmakers have joined forces to develop environmentally friendly engines to stave off fierce competition from foreign rivals, a press report said Sunday.

New technique makes 'biogasoline' from plant waste

Gasoline-like fuels can be made from cellulosic materials such as farm and forestry waste using a new process invented by chemists at the University of California, Davis. The process could open up new markets for plant-based ...

Improved low-temperature performance of catalytic converters

( —Toxic vehicle emissions, such as carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons, are chemically converted to benign compounds, like carbon dioxide (CO2) and water, by catalytic converters. Although catalytic converters ...

New tech could be "Mr. Fusion" for biofuel

A new technology from Argonne may remind viewers of Mr. Fusion of Back to the Future fame, only with a biofuel twist: put in your waste and out comes diesel fuel.

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