How air pollution harms pollination

Pollination, the transfer of pollen grains from the male to the female organs, is an essential part of reproduction for the majority of plants. For many of these plants, this transfer is carried out by insects in search of ...

Diesel vehicles and pollution in Ireland

Researchers from the Schools of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Trinity College Dublin are teaming up to assess the extent of damaging particulate emissions coming from diesel vehicles in Ireland. These emissions are ...

Crowdfunding a renewable future

One issue with small-scale, home-based renewable energy systems is that initial setup costs can be high. This puts such installations out of reach for some sectors of society, even if they could benefit financial in the long ...

Daimler stands by diesel despite growing controversy

German automaker Daimler's profits barely rose and were short of market expectations as its Mercedes-Benz luxury car division boomed while earnings lagged at its truck, van and bus businesses.

EU chokes on own air quality standards

In the skies above Katowice in the heart of Poland's coal industry, Polish officials are deploying the latest weapon against air pollution: drones that inspect the city's chimneys.

Germany tweaks law to limit diesel car bans

The German government will ease air pollution law so as to spare cities that only slightly exceed limits on harmful nitrogen dioxide (NO2) from diesel vehicle bans, ministers agreed Thursday, sparking sharp criticsm by environmentalists.

Peugeot suspected of fraud over diesels: report

Investigators suspect French carmaker PSA intentionally built diesel cars that failed to meet pollution rules, the daily Le Monde reported Friday, but the company immediately denied it acted fraudulently.

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