Scientists develop diesel that emits far less CO2

Researchers from KU Leuven and Utrecht University have discovered a new approach to the production of fuels. Their new method can be used to produce much cleaner diesel. It can quickly be scaled up for industrial use. In ...

Building lightweight trains

The less trains weigh, the more economical they are to run. A new material capable of withstanding even extreme stresses has now been developed. It is suitable for a variety of applications, not least diesel engine housings ...

New technique makes 'biogasoline' from plant waste

Gasoline-like fuels can be made from cellulosic materials such as farm and forestry waste using a new process invented by chemists at the University of California, Davis. The process could open up new markets for plant-based ...

Cow-a-bella -- making eco-friendly diesel fuel from butter

The search for new raw materials for making biodiesel fuel has led scientists to an unlikely farm product — butter. In a new study in ACS' bi-weekly Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, they report that butter could ...

Bringing power to the people -- and heat as well

In some isolated clinics in parts of Africa, the electricity needed to power lights and medical devices is generated by expensive imported diesel fuel; the water supply can be so cold in winter that health workers can’t ...

Reducing fuel consumption of truck engines

A new model to explore how new ideas affect fuel consumption in large diesel engines has been developed by a world-leading research group in tribology, at Luleå University of Technology. Tribology is the science of interacting ...

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