Huge dictionary project completed after 90 years

An ambitious project to identify, explain and provide citations for the words written in cuneiform on clay tablets and carved in stone by Babylonians, Assyrians and others in Mesopotamia between 2500 B.C. and A.D. 100 has ...

Unique dictionary nears completion

A huge number of students ranging from linguists to those studying coins and family ancestry are benefiting from a 100 year project to compile the world’s most comprehensive dictionary of Medieval Latin.

Maltese-English Dictionary to be Digitized

( -- University of Arizona linguist Adam Ussishkin has headed up an effort to update and digitize the Maltese-English dictionary of record. The new searchable database will enable scholars and speakers to more ...

Vocabulary on decline due to fewer books

Young people are reading less and failing to build vocabulary amid a sea of text messaging and cyber chat, says literacy and child development specialist Professor Tom Nicholson.

Oxford English Dictionary may never be printed again

The next edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, the word reference bible of the English language, may never appear in print and instead be accessible only online, its publisher said Tuesday.

Digging for data with Chemlist and ChemSpider

Just like the rest of us, scientists today are swamped with information. As more chemical resources become freely available, text mining applications - previously focused on correctly identifying gene and protein names - ...

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