How flawed diamonds 'lead' to flawless quantum networks

The color in a diamond comes from a defect, or "vacancy," where there is a missing carbon atom in the crystal lattice. Vacancies have long been of interest to electronics researchers because they can be used as 'quantum nodes' ...

Diamond color centers for nonlinear photonics

Researchers from the Department of Applied Physics at the University of Tsukuba demonstrated second-order nonlinear optical effects in diamonds by taking advantage of internal color center defects that break inversion symmetry ...

New quantum memory stores information for hours

Storing information in a quantum memory system is a difficult challenge, as the data is usually quickly lost. At TU Wien, ultra-long storage times have now been achieved using tiny diamonds.

Diamonds' flaws hold promise for new technologies

Despite their charm and allure, diamonds are rarely perfect. They have tiny defects that, to assistant professor Nathalie de Leon, make them ever so appealing. These atom-sized mistakes have enormous potential in technologies ...

'Building block' of quanutm networks created

(—A proof-of-concept device that could pave the way for on-chip optical quantum networks has been created by a group of researchers from the US.

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