Can't Make it to a Meeting? Send a Computer Instead

( -- If you’ve ever wished you had an assistant to attend meetings with you, take notes and produce a concise summary, then you’ll be pleased to know that UT Dallas computer scientist Yang Liu hopes to one-up ...

Technique allows AI to learn words in the flow of dialogue

A group of researchers at Osaka University has developed a new method for dialogue systems. Lexical acquisition through implicit confirmation is a method for a computer to acquire the category of an unknown word over multiple ...

Pentagon: Chinese government waging cyberattacks

(AP)—The Pentagon for the first time used its annual report on China to directly assert that Beijing's government and military have conducted computer-based attacks against the U.S., including efforts to steal information ...

Cars must be considerate of the driver when talking

Smart telephones and TVs are well-established technical gadgets in today's society. The same cannot be said about smart cars with dialogue systems that can understand you and communicate as if they were a person sitting in ...