Study evaluates accuracy of tests for Bartonella infection in dogs

A study led by University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Veterinary Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor Erin Lashnits provides new insights into how best to diagnose Bartonella infection in dogs, a common flea-borne disease ...

In search of stable liquids

Most liquids are in suspension. Particles too small to see by naked eye swirl everywhere as gravity and temperature changes move them around. Keeping liquids from separating can be a hassle for the foods we buy in the supermarket, ...

Driving the performance of nanosystems to the limit

A joint CEA / University of Grenoble-Alpes research team, together with international partners, has developed a diagnostic technique capable of identifying performance problems in nanoresonators, a type of nanodetector used ...

Nanomaterials to preserve ancient works of art

Little would we know about history if it weren't for books and works of art. But as time goes by, conserving this evidence of the past is becoming more and more of a struggle. Could this all change thanks to the NANOFORART ...

Lab tests made cheaper with chips

( —University of New South Wales PhD candidate Ryan Pawell hopes a manufacturing technique he created will cut the cost of medical diagnostics to a few dollars per experiment or test.

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