Related topics: smartphone

Drawing data at the nanometer scale

A method to draw data in an area smaller than 10 nanometers has been proposed in a recent study published in Physical Review Letters

'Twisty' photons could turbocharge next-gen quantum communication

Quantum computers and communication devices work by encoding information into individual or entangled photons, enabling data to be quantum securely transmitted and manipulated exponentially faster than is possible with conventional ...

A new road towards spin-polarized currents

The second half of the 20th century was the age of electronics, electronic devices became miniaturized and even more complex, creating problems for their energy consumption and waste heat. Spintronics promises to store or ...

A new strategy to create blue light from a promising material

A Florida State University research team has developed a new way to create blue light from a class of materials that shows enormous potential for optoelectronic devices, including solar cells, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) ...

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