Related topics: smartphone

New device powers wearable sensors through human motion

The advent of inexpensive wearable sensors that can monitor heart rate and body temperature, as well as levels of blood sugar and metabolic byproducts, has allowed researchers and health professionals to monitor human health ...

Physicists propose path to faster, more flexible robots

In a May 15 paper released in the journal Physical Review Letters, Virginia Tech physicists revealed a microscopic phenomenon that could greatly improve the performance of soft devices, such as agile flexible robots or microscopic ...

Ultrafast beam-steering breakthrough

In a major breakthrough in the fields of nanophotonics and ultrafast optics, a Sandia National Laboratories research team has demonstrated the ability to dynamically steer light pulses from conventional, so-called incoherent ...

Plasma-developed new material fundamental to Internet of Things

QUT Professor Ken Ostrikov from the School of Chemistry and Physics and QUT Centre for Materials Science said the new material could be used to develop new transistor devices for electronics and photodetectors for such applications ...

'Miracle' filter turns store-bought LEDs into spintronic devices

Traditional electronics use semiconductors to transmit data through bursts of charged carriers (electrons or holes) to convey messages in "1s" and "0s." Spintronic devices can process an order of magnitude more information ...

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