A key function for tight junctions in embryo models

As a human embryo grows, a set of molecules directs cells as they multiply and take on specific identities and spatial positions within the embryo. In one crucial step known as gastrulation, these signaling molecules guide ...

Study identifies new mechanisms driving genomic instability

A recent Northwestern Medicine study published in the Journal of Cell Biology has identified new mechanisms that cause genomic or chromosomal instability during cell division, findings that may improve the development of ...

How to assemble a complete jaw

A USC-led team of scientists has made a drool-worthy discovery about how tendons and salivary glands develop in the jaw. Their results are published in a new study in Developmental Cell.

A molecular machine's secret weapon exposed

RNAs are having a moment. The foundation of COVID-19 vaccines, they've made their way from biochemistry textbooks into popular magazines and everyday discussions. Entire companies have been launched that are dedicated to ...

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