Grandma is one happy Hippocampus

(—Our understanding of the population dynamics, longevity and reproductive habits of the seahorse species Hippocampus whitei (White's Seahorse) has been significantly expanded thanks to newly published research ...

New study finds fastest-growing cities not the most prosperous

As communities seek new ways to emerge from the recession, many may look to growing their population as a strategy. However, the belief that population growth will bring jobs and economic prosperity for local residents is ...

1,800 British firms to report greenhouse-gas emissions

All 1,800 firms listed on the London Stock Exchange's Main Market will be required to list their greenhouse-gas emissions from next April, British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said at the Rio+20 summit on Wednesday.

Apple to seek safeguards for iPhone contact lists

Apple on Wednesday said application developers will have to get express permission from users before tapping into contact information stored in its popular gadgets, in a move to address privacy concerns.

Hackers breach servers of Japan's Square Enix

Japanese game developer Square Enix said that servers containing data on 1.8 million customers had been hacked, but said the extent of the damage was not yet known.

Square Enix customer data leaked after Sony problems

Japanese game developer Square Enix Holdings said email addresses of 25,000 customers as well as resumes of 250 job applicants were leaked after a hacker attack against its European subsidiary.

China Internet firms made to apologise over feud

Two of China's leading Internet firms have been forced by the government to issue public apologies over a nasty spat marked by accusations of unfair market practices and privacy infringement.

The automotive internet, from vision to reality

( -- European researchers developed a vision for a new, cooperative traffic system based on advanced communication hardware and software, a kind of automotive internet; they also created all the necessary enabling ...

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