Could dissolvable microneedles replace injected vaccines?

Flu vaccines delivered using microneedles that dissolve in the skin can protect people against infection even better than the standard needle-delivered vaccine, according to new research published in Biomaterials. The authors ...

No loo-sers as Japan holds toilet design contest

Japan is holding its first ever toilet design contest, with organisers looking for "most comfortable", "cheapest for the developing world" and "safest for women", officials have said.

A safer way to deal with raw sewage in the developing world

In 2011, an engineering student came up with an idea to help people in the developing world deal with raw sewage. His goal was to use technology to help save lives by limiting people's exposure to the pathogens in human waste. ...

Playing a video game using thoughts

The start-up MindMaze has opened up a new dimension in the world of video games: moving with thoughts through a virtual environment or even directly interacting through certain emotions. Introduced earlier this month at the ...

G20 climate challenge calls for a rethink of economics

Focusing on growth, the Brisbane G20 leaders' summit has not grappled with three key issues. How much more growth can the planet survive? How can poorer nations raise their living standards to parity with the "developed" ...

India gets its first MSC certified fishery

Sustainable fisheries in the developing world have taken a significant step forward today with the certification of India's first clam fishery in Kerala, southern India.

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