Cablevision unveils interactive banner ads on TV

(AP) -- Cablevision Systems Corp. is bringing interactive banner ads to television, allowing viewers to order samples and brochures and even purchase products by clicking the remote on their TV sets.

Microsoft vows openness for mobile app store

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. plans a central market to sell programs for cell phones running the Windows Mobile system. It hews closely to the setup of Apple Inc.'s App Store for iPhones, with one notable exception - Microsoft ...

Dubai deal hailed as 'beginning of end' for fossil fuels

The world for the first time on Wednesday approved a call to transition away from fossil fuels as UN negotiations in Dubai tackled the top culprit behind climate change, but at-risk countries said far more action was needed.

Emerging vaccine nanotechnology

In this new article publication from Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, researchers discuss emerging vaccine nanotechnology.

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