Pacific sounds warning on climate change

The Marshall Islands has warned that the clock is ticking on climate change and the world needs to act urgently to stop low-lying Pacific nations disappearing beneath the waves.

Apple faces competitive hurdle in Brazil market

On a recent vacation to Orlando, Fla., from his home in Brazil, Tulio Avellar made sure to stop by such world famous tourist destinations as Walt Disney World and Universal Studios.

US, China agree to end 'super greenhouse gases'

China agreed Saturday with the United States to scale back production of "super greenhouse gases" used in refrigerators and air conditioners in a joint bid to fight climate change.

US boom transforming global oil trade

The surge in oil production in the U.S. and Canada and shrinking oil consumption in the developed world is transforming the global oil market. The threat of chronic oil shortages is all but gone, U.S. dependence on Middle ...

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