Climate talks stumble as Paris summit looms

Climate negotiators divided on how to tackle global warming—and who should foot the bill—grappled Friday on the final day of crunch talks to finalise a draft agreement ahead of a crucial UN summit.

Everything you wanted to know about UN's new global goals

World leaders are launching an ambitious drive to transform the planet by 2030 with the adoption on Friday of new UN goals to wipe out extreme poverty, promote health and education and combat climate change.

The world's new sustainable development goals

On September 25 world leaders will meet in New York to formalise the new Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 goals will guide efforts to reduce poverty and increase well-being, without destroying the Earth. The Conversation ...

Nations narrow gap on make-or-break climate issue

Rich and developing nations thrashing out a UN climate-rescue pact have moved closer on the make-or-break issue of compensation for damages caused by global warming, observers and negotiators said Thursday.

Compromises lead to climate change deal

Earlier this month, delegates from the various states that make up the UN met in Lima, Peru, to agree on a framework for the Climate Change Conference that is scheduled to take place in Paris next year. For over two weeks, ...

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