Thai tech pioneer converts waste into wealth

Paijit Sangchai drops a small piece of laminated paper into a jar of cloudy liquid which he hopes will transform his start-up into a multi-million dollar company and help revolutionise recycling.

Spin cycle: a new kind of washer (Video)

( -- In many developing countries, electricity is unreliable or unavailable and water must be carried by hand, so conventional modern washing machines are not an option. Washing clothes can take up a significant ...

Fossil fuel CO2 emissions up by 29 percent since 2000

The strongest evidence yet that the rise in atmospheric CO2 emissions continues to outstrip the ability of the world's natural 'sinks' to absorb carbon is published this week in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Clean drinking water for everyone

Nearly 80 percent of disease in developing countries is linked to bad water and sanitation. Now a scientist at Michigan Technological University has developed a simple, cheap way to make water safe to drink, even if it’s ...

Mobile phone scanner detects harmful bacteria

( -- A mobile phone that could detect whether leftovers in your fridge are safe to eat could be heading to an app store near you. A device has been developed that attaches to mobiles and can detect small amounts ...

Samsung NC215 solar netbook arrives in Korea

( -- Samsung has released the NC215 solar-powered netbook in Korea. The netbook carries a solar panel on the lid, which can turn two hours of sunlight into one hour of netbook run-time.

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