What now for the Paris accord?

Four years ago, the world's nations vowed to forge a pact by the end of 2015 that would tame climate change and bequeath a safer planet to future generations.

Fingers pointed as climate talks deadlock

Accusations flew at deadlocked UN climate talks in Lima on Saturday, as the United States warned that failure to compromise could doom the 22-year-old global forum.

New research could help the welfare of working animals

With over 42 million horses and 95 per cent of the world's donkeys found in developing countries, new research could change the health and welfare of millions of working animals in some of the poorest parts of the world.

Sticky issues re-emerge at UN climate talks

(AP)—The momentum from a historic U.S.-China pact to resist global warming is showing signs of fading at U.N. climate talks as the familiar rich-poor conflict persists over who should do what to keep the planet from overheating.

Australia won't pay to climate fund

(AP)—Australia will continue to directly pay for climate change adaptation in vulnerable South Pacific island nations through its aid budget rather than donate to a U.N. Green Climate Fund designed for the same purpose, ...

China insists rich nations must do more at Lima climate meeting

Developed countries must do more than their less wealthy counterparts to tackle climate change, the world's biggest polluter China said on Tuesday, reaffirming its longstanding position before a United Nations climate conference ...

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