Sniffing out poop error in detection dog data

A new study in the journal Scientific Reports gets to the bottom of it: Why do dogs that are trained to locate poop sometimes find the wrong kind of poop?

Conservation detection dogs sniff out rare curlew nests

Once an iconic native bird ubiquitous to the Irish landscape, Europe's largest wading bird, the curlew, is now threatened with extinction and disappearing from the Irish countryside. Over the last 40 years, the number of ...

Trained dogs can sniff out a deadly deer disease

Charlie, Jari, and Kiwi are pet dogs with a superpower: Their sensitive noses can distinguish between a healthy deer and one sick with chronic wasting disease (CWD), all from a whiff of the deer's poop.

Treatments for parasites keeping landmine detection dogs in field

Cambodia is a country that remains plagued by landmine contamination. As a result, the country has a high proportion of physically disabled people in its population, which has a huge impact both socioeconomically and psychologically.

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