Ants can 'sniff out' cancer

Cancer detection is a major public health challenge, and the methods currently available to achieve it, for example MRIs and mammograms, are often expensive and invasive. This limits their large-scale use. To bypass these ...

Researcher aims to shed light on diabetic alert dogs

Today's companies that train diabetic alert dogs and place them with families have experienced a high rate of success, but there's a catch—nobody knows how the dogs are doing it. That's where Catherine Reeve comes in.

A speedy test for bladder cancer

A fast and accurate urine test for bladder cancer developed by A*STAR researchers has the potential to replace the currently used invasive physical probe.

Insights into deadly coral bleaching could help preserve reefs

Coral reefs are stressed the world over and could be in mortal danger because of climate change. But why do some corals die and others not, even when exposed to the same environmental conditions? An interdisciplinary research ...

Tackling tumors with iron oxide

( -- Detecting cancer cells and destroying them, injecting drugs with extreme precision into diseased cells in the human body – these are just two examples of what EPFL scientists are attempting to accomplish ...

Turning agents of disease into tools for health and better living

Viruses that attack plants, insects, mammals and bacteria are proving effective platforms for delivering medicines and imaging chemicals to specific cells in the body, as building blocks for tiny battery electrodes and computer ...

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