Ants can 'sniff out' cancer

Cancer detection is a major public health challenge, and the methods currently available to achieve it, for example MRIs and mammograms, are often expensive and invasive. This limits their large-scale use. To bypass these ...

GLUT5 fluorescent probe fingerprints cancer cells

Determining the presence of cancer, as well as its type and malignancy, is a stressful process for patients that can take up to two weeks to get a diagnosis. With a new bit of technology—a sugar-transporting biosensor—researchers ...

Modular platform for biosensor assembly

Tumor markers are biological substances, usually proteins, that provide early indication of cancerous or benign tumors in the body. 

Researcher aims to shed light on diabetic alert dogs

Today's companies that train diabetic alert dogs and place them with families have experienced a high rate of success, but there's a catch—nobody knows how the dogs are doing it. That's where Catherine Reeve comes in.

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