Apple faces competitive hurdle in Brazil market

On a recent vacation to Orlando, Fla., from his home in Brazil, Tulio Avellar made sure to stop by such world famous tourist destinations as Walt Disney World and Universal Studios.

770-pound crocodile caught at Outback tourist destination

Wildlife rangers have trapped a 4.4-meter (14.5-foot) saltwater crocodile at a tourist destination in Australia's Northern Territory, the biggest caught in the area in years, a wildlife ranger said Monday.

Migration from sea-level rise could reshape cities inland

When Hurricane Katrina struck Louisiana in 2005, cities inland saw an influx of evacuees escaping the storm and its aftermath. Now, a new University of Georgia study predicts that this could happen again as a result of sea-level ...

How the digital backpacker can positively impact tourism

In many ways, the travel industry has tended to focus on business travelers and richer tourists, ignoring travelers such as backpackers who tend to travel on a tight budget and have little to spend on their journey. However, ...

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