The electronic origin of photoinduced strain

(—Multiferroics are in a class of materials that exhibits more than one ferroic order simultaneously. One of the prototypical multiferroics is BiFeO3, an important material because it is one of a few materials ...

Synchrotrons explore water's molecular mysteries

(—In experiments at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, scientists observed a surprisingly dense form of water that remained liquid well beyond its typical freezing point.

In London for dinner—with an Australian ceramic rocket

(—Melbourne researchers are literally doing rocket science with clay. They have developed a cheaper and more efficient way of making the complex, heat-resistant, ceramic parts needed to build tomorrow's rockets ...

New process to prevent cold cracking in high-strength steel

Cold cracking in high-strength steel presents major quality assurance challenges for the automotive and machine-building industries, since cracks are difficult to predict – until now. A new process can determine, as early ...

Biohybrid solar cells—Spinach power gets a big boost

An interdisciplinary team of researchers at Vanderbilt University have developed a way to combine the photosynthetic protein that converts light into electrochemical energy in spinach with silicon, the material used in solar ...

LG Chem cable batteries may reshape mobile designs

(—LG Chem says it has a cable-type lithium-ion battery that is so flexible it can be tied in knots and worn as a bracelet or woven into textiles. For mobile device designers, the eventual commercial production ...

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