New solar cell is more efficient, less costly

( —American innovators still have some cards to play when it comes to squeezing more efficiency and lower costs out of silicon, the workhorse of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules worldwide.

Google Web Designer to simplify the building of ads

( —Back in June, there was talk of a Google plan to launch something called Google Web Designer, which would be a free development tool to create web sites and ads, built with HTML 5. The words for when it was ...

Computer-designed proteins recognize and bind small molecules

Computer-designed proteins that can recognize and interact with small biological molecules are now a reality. Scientists have succeeded in creating a protein molecule that can be programmed to unite with three different steroids.

Software arranges photo lighting after the shoot

What often separates professional photographers from amateurs is their mastery of lighting. Lighting can control what parts of an image draw your attention, or whether an object looks expensive or cheesy. And even for pros, ...

Elon Musk's Hyperloop hype ignores practical problems

You've got to hand it to Elon Musk - he certainly dreams big. The entrepreneur loves to take on tough technical challenges and turn them into business opportunities. He revolutionized online payment services with PayPal, ...

Some Samsung imports banned in US patent case

The US International Trade Commission blocked imports of some older model Samsung mobile devices following complaints by Apple that the South Korean company had violated its patents.

Designer has DIY kit for turning objects into UAVs

( —When an independent designer comments that his interest is "in taking stuff away from the computer screen" and finding ways to interact with information in more interesting ways, then it is not unreasonable ...

Student team unveils world's first solar-powered family car

The Solar Team Eindhoven (STE) of TU/e in the Netherlands presented the world's first solar-powered family car today. 'Stella' is the first 'energy-positive car' with room for four people, a trunk, intuitive steering and ...

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