Multi-compartment membranes for multicellular robots

The typical image of a robot is one composed of motors and circuits, encased in metal. Yet the field of molecular robotics, which is being spearheaded in Japan, is beginning to change that.

Can synthetic polymers replace the body's natural proteins?

Most life on Earth is based on polymers of 20 amino acids that have evolved into hundreds of thousands of different, highly specialized proteins. They catalyze reactions, form backbone and muscle and even generate movement.

AI conjures proteins that speed up chemical reactions

For the first time, scientists have used machine learning to create brand-new enzymes, which are proteins that accelerate chemical reactions. This is an important step in the field of protein design, as new enzymes could ...

Sculpting the human body plan in a dish

Although Michelangelo's masterpiece "David" captured the magnificence of the human body—how exactly this exquisite body plan is established during human development has puzzled scientists for more than a century. This has ...

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