Improved wind tunnel testing of aircraft models

When testing numerical predictions regarding performance of aircraft, wind tunnels are still the next best thing to actual flight. EU-funded researchers improved the accuracy of test measurements with important implications ...

Big data at the nanoscale

An international team of scientists, including physicists from the University of Luxembourg, have reported a comprehensive view-point on how machine learning approaches can be used in Nanoscience to analyze and extract new ...

Skype makes monsters of us all

When God saw that our egos needed deflating, he invented Skype. Skype is the 21st-century invention that sci-fi movies had been predicting for decades: phonavision. Actually it's "computavision," with a tiny camera at the ...

I always feel like somebody's watching me…

What power can individuals have over their data when their every move online is being tracked? Researchers at the Cambridge Computer Laboratory are building new systems that shift the power back to individual users, and could ...

Origami, kirigami inspire mechanical metamaterials designs

The ancient arts of origami, the art of paper-folding, and kirigami, the art of paper-cutting, have gained popularity in recent years among researchers building mechanical metamaterials. Folding and cutting 2D thin-film materials ...

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