Study highlights sex-specific variability in mouse features

Scientists have shown that sex-specific differences in variability depend on individual physical and physiological features in mice, debunking competing theories that either males or females are more variable.

Color effects from transparent 3-D printed nanostructures

Most of the objects we see are colored by pigments, but using pigments has disadvantages: such colors can fade, industrial pigments are often toxic, and certain color effects are impossible to achieve. The natural world, ...

Interactive software tool makes complex mold design simple

Most of the plastic objects we see are created using injection molding, but designing such molds is a difficult task, usually requiring experts. Now, computer scientists from the Institute of Science and Technology Austria ...

Design tool transforms objects into intricate works of art

Just as wrought-iron fences and ornaments connect straight and curved elements to form aesthetically pleasing 3-D shapes, a new computational design tool developed by Disney Research enables people to design 3-D objects whose ...

Google Web Designer to simplify the building of ads

( —Back in June, there was talk of a Google plan to launch something called Google Web Designer, which would be a free development tool to create web sites and ads, built with HTML 5. The words for when it was ...

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