Jumping spider uses fuzzy eyesight to judge distance

(PhysOrg.com) -- One of the ways in which humans determine distance is by estimating the sharpness of an image—closer objects produce a sharp image, while those further away are out of focus. For us, this is a minor ...

Prototype uses multi-lens display for 3-D depth (w/ video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Numerous 3-D displays that went on parade at last month's CEATEC 2011 in Japan touted glasses-free features, but one 3-D display presentation used a technique of special interest. Researchers at Tsukuba University ...

AR glasses are proposed to restore depth perception

(Phys.org)—People with impaired depth perception might see better with augmented reality glasses according to a research initiative under way at the University of Yamanashi in Japan. The team involved are working with off ...

Your next phone camera might be able to sense depth

The camera in your smartphone may soon have a new trick: depth perception. Toshiba, Samsung and Silicon Valley startup Pelican Imaging are developing image sensors and software that would allow cameras to detect the distance ...

3D Capture with iPad brought to you by Structure Sensor

(Phys.org) —A sensor for capturing the world in three dimensions is coming to the iPad. A Kickstarter project that launched on Tuesday seeks funds for its Structure Sensor, which is a portable sensor that clamps on to ...

Bringing 3D to the operating room

(PhysOrg.com) -- For all of their high-tech advantages, laparoscopic surgical systems are only capable of providing a two-dimensional visualization -- or in other words, no depth perception.

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