NASA sees Tropical Depression Bill tracking through US

Tropical Depression Bill continues to be a soaker as it travels in an east-northeasterly direction from Arkansas toward the Ohio Valley. NASA's Aqua satellite and NOAA's GOES-East satellites provided a look at the extent ...

Two NASA satellites see Tropical Storm Andres intensify

The first tropical depression of the eastern Pacific Ocean hurricane season strengthened into tropical storm Andres. NASA's Aqua and Global Precipitation Measurement mission core satellite both provided information showing ...

First Eastern Pacific tropical depression runs ahead of dawn

The first tropical depression of the Eastern Pacific hurricane season formed during the early morning of Thursday, May 28, 2015, well southwest of Mexico. An image of the storm taken from NOAA's GOES-West satellite shows ...

Short-term debt and depressive symptoms may go hand-in-hand

Results to be published in the Journal of Family and Economic Issues suggest that having short-term household debt—credit cards and overdue bills—increases depressive symptoms. The association is particularly strong among ...

Smartphones change teenagers' digital media use patterns

Teenagers who own smartphones spend more time online - also during the night, which may affect their sleep. A new University of Basel study on more than 300 students reports that teenagers' digital media use during the night ...

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