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No apparent Stuxnet impact in US: cyber official

Computer software targeted by Stuxnet is used in US infrastructure but the virus does not appear to have affected any systems in the United States, a US cybersecurity official said Tuesday.

WikiLeaks reveals US global interests

WikiLeaks has released a secret list of infrastructure from pipelines to smallpox vaccine suppliers whose loss or attack by terrorists could "critically impact" US security in the view of the State Department.

US works to secure networks as hackers advance

(AP) -- It will take several more years for the government to fully install high-tech systems to block computer intrusions, a drawn-out timeline that enables criminals to become more adept at stealing sensitive data, experts ...

China Telecom denies US web hijack allegations

State-owned China Telecom on Thursday rejected US claims that its servers "hijacked" highly sensitive Internet traffic on American government and military websites earlier this year.

US moves to enhance cybersecurity cooperation

The Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security unveiled an agreement on Wednesday designed to boost cooperation in defending military and private computer networks from growing cyber threats.

'Cyber Storm III' tests US on cyber attack

Keyboard warriors from the United States and a dozen other nations were battling a simulated cyber attack Tuesday on government and private networks that undermines basic trust in the Internet.

US reviewing ways to fight cyber attacks: general

The White House is looking at boosting the authority of the US military and other agencies to protect the country's infrastructure from possible cyber attack, a top general said Thursday.

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